Keith Bevans, partner and global head of consultant recruiting at Bain & Company, dives deeper into the stories of some extraordinary Bain people, from their perspectives. You can read their business bios online, but those barely scratch the surface of who they are and the important work they are doing. If you would like to comment or give feedback on this series, please email our inbox at BeyondTheBio@Bain.com.
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
We’ve known our host, Keith Bevans, to lead insightful conversations with some remarkable guests throughout the years, but this episode is slightly different. Keith is sitting in the guest seat and answering questions from consultant and Beyond the Bio producer, Daniel Yellin, to share some insight into the why of Beyond the Bio, dive a little deeper into a few topics we’ve covered on DEI, mergers & acquisitions, mental health in the workplace, and our work in ESG, and share some insight into what’s to come for the firm’s business, capabilities, and recruiting efforts in 2023.
Beyond the Bio listeners, we want your feedback. You’re invited to share your thoughts with us in our listeners' survey. It will take less than 3 minutes to complete and will help us shape the direction of future episodes. Head over to atbain.co/btbsurvey to share your feedback.